Jump_Start Modelings Talented Photographers

 Barry Markus is a spectacular, honest, and professional photographer known by many in the Arizona valley. Having been doing this for more than a few years, Barry enjoys and specializes in taking photos of: High fashion, glamour, and fitness models as well as: Composition card/Head-Shot photos, and so much more!! He is always willing to work with any model to help them perfect their modeling careers!

Check out his personal website for more of his talented and fabulous work: http://caughtoncamera.smugmug.com/ 

James Almanza is a published photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona. He specializes in weddings while maintaining a presence in the world of high fashion modeling as well as compositions card/head-shot photos and themed shoots! He is a member of WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International). As well as being a big part of Phoenix Fashion Week, and the Event Organizer for Arizona Photographers and Models. 

Check out his personal website for more of his talented and fabulous work:http://admiredweddings.com/ 

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